This is a short post to let you know that there are many needs at this present time in the villages. Also, school will be starting shortly and the children will need fees and school supplies. Without them they cannot go to school. Would you consider helping? Please pray with us that these needs will be provided by God. If you can help financially, there is an online donation link on our support page to the left of this. There is also directions for sending funds directly. You can also help tremendously by downloading the graphic picture below and sharing it with friends on facebook etc. It will help others to find this website. Thank you for your consideration in this. It will be quite helpful. - Staff
Note: To download the picture, click on the picture a full sized version will appear. RIGHT click the image and choose "Save Image As" You can then upload it to facebook, Google+, etc
Note: To download the picture, click on the picture a full sized version will appear. RIGHT click the image and choose "Save Image As" You can then upload it to facebook, Google+, etc