Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mukulu Jonathan: Personal Message

A Message From Mukulu Jonathan (Founder and Director of OOCM)

Thanks to you all FOR SUPPORTING ORPHANS AND HELPING US RAISE AWARENESS AND FUNDS FOR OOCM and the Rescue of the lives of children, widows in our village areas.
How would you like to be a regular part of our commitment in our day to day work towards orphans, widows and the destitute. The LOVE of God constrains us all. We have been ADOPTED into His beloved Son. Please lets show love to these unfortunate in our prayers, prayerful provisions, financial support in our gifts to the poor. There is a need of urgent support for construction and completing all phases of the 1st wing of the children's home. The iron sheets are not enough and also other materials needed and labor . Also the constant need of regular support for basic needs: Food, Clothing, Shelter, Education. Medication. Pray for a hope and future for the people whose lives we touch with the Love of God...
Email me or other brothers and sisters you many know who are in commitment to serve the Lord in supporting our poor villages. Join with us in believing God! These children, widows, disabled are truly in need of care and permanent structures, we welcome all gifts and supplies for OOCM and Christmas packages for children. 
 Please see our Contact page in the menu to the left as to how to contact us and our Mailing Address to send items. Online and direct financial donations can be made by going to the "Support" page there as well.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Entering Into December

As we enter into December, we have much to be thankful for to God. He has brought us through many trials and challenges and has so blessedly come through in so many ways to meet the needs physically and spiritually for so many. Any improvement in life among us is met with much thanksgiving bringing hope in ways that many have not had in some time now. Life has a purpose. We must embrace not only that life but the purposes of God in at as well. We must as a people and a ministry move forward. We cannot afford to look back. We press on with determination knowing we have the Living God that we can trust to lead us and guide us. To trust that He will provide for those we minister to both in Spirit and earthly needs.

A Permanent Home and Ministry Base

Besides the everyday needs that need to be met this month, we are endeavoring to proceed with the permanent children's home and other out buildings on the OOCM property which will allow us more stability and flexibility to minister to those around us. In many ways the villagers see this building project as a symbol of the stability of the hope they are beginning to embrace. The present stage of the building project is the 1st wing of the Children's home. The two dormitory wings (boys and girls) will follow.

This has been a stretch of faith on our part to attempt such a project but God has been gracious to provide for this as well. There are still some bills for the current progress left unpaid and the first wing needs more roofing, windows, doors, electricity, etc. Perhaps some of you reading this will be touched by God to specifically contribute to this project's completion. Once the 1st wing and the 2 dorm wings are finished and outfitted, OOCM will be able to move in and proceed with other projects on the property like growing food and teaching more life improvement classes to the widows and other villagers. We will also be able to more effectively do outreaches into the community as well. The cost of the 3 wings will be approximately $23,000 USD...

Childrens' Progress In Schooling

Recently we had a "party" for the children to celebrate their accomplishments in school. Many of these children would not be able to attend or do well without the donations we receive. This was a joyous time for all the children and adults as well. Officials were also in attendance. For the orphans and other children to receive an education means a much brighter future for those children and the villages they live in. Because there are no schools in our villages at present, children have to attend boarding schools. School fees and contributions to their food supply must be made in order for the children to attend school. This educational assistance on the part of OOCM and your donations towards their care and education are changing the lives of these children. One might even say it is creating the "audacity of hope" in what has been for them in many cases a hopeless life. Perhaps much more than most people these orphans and widows know the meaning of the expression. They know what hopelessness is. They are beginning to taste hope now. Hope against all odds.

 Children being honored for their scholastic achievements

 Officials also attended the celebration

 The new Children's Choir sang for the gathering.

Widows sitting together and enjoying the party

Please consider contributing to the regular support of this local ministry. Gifts and supplies can be sent to us as well. For more info on how to donate financially or materially, please see the links on the left menu of this site: "Support" and "Contact"... Above all else please keep us in your prayers.